GitHub Contributors </br>

GitHub Readme Stats </br></br></br>xSHELL is a simple library system for bash/shell.</br></br></br>



Steps to install xSHELL library system

curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fbnmtz/xSHELL/refs/heads/master/scripts/install | bash 

After run install command, you will have the variable $_xSHELL_ PATH with the default install location, or a customized path of your choice. This also will add configs on some system files:

xshell command

Within this library, comes xshell tool used create new scripts;

xshell -h

  xshell [-a <arguments>] [-e <editor>] [-f <name>] [-H] [-l] [-o <output>] [-h] [-v]

-> Available Options:
   -a,  --args <arguments> define <arguments> for new script
   -e,  --editor <editor>  define <editor> to open script
   -f,  --filename <name>  filename for new script
   -H,  --header           enable our default header on the new script
   -l,  --lib              define new script as a our LIB type (can be loaded with 'use' function)
   -o,  --output <output>  setup <output> directory for new script
   -h,  --help             show this help
   -v,  --version          print version and exit

v0.1.17-rc316 - writen by @fbnmtz 2020

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Example of Usage (libsExample script)

You can create your new script (default location $HOME/bin) using xshell tool:

xshell -f libsExample \
    -e nano \
    --args "

Code gerenated

xshell command above will generate this code below and open the new file on defined editor:

```bash #!/usr/bin/env bash # script: libsExample _AUTHOR_="@fbnmtz" _CREATED_AT_="2023" _CURRENT_VERSION_="0.0.1" # ~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~·~·~·~·~·~ # shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC2154 # * SC1090: Can't follow non-constant source. Use a directive to specify location. # -> cant follow or source usage # * SC2154: var is referenced but not assigned. # -> variables will be created by or library system (don't worry) # ~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~·~·~·~·~·~ source ~/bin/xSHELL/init use args # ~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~·~·~·~·~·~ xarg --id -p,--print --code 'echo print test' --desc 'print some code' xarg --id -n,--notify --var title+r,text+r --desc 'test notify system' xarg --id -m,--math --var expression+r --desc 'solve math expression' xarg --id -V,--volume --var option+r --desc 'volume option (up or down)' # ~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~·~·~·~·~·~ # initilizae values before xrun (if you need to) # ~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~·~·~·~·~·~ # arguments will be checked/validated here (use --xhelp arg for more info) xrun --xreject-unknow --xrequire-one "$@" # ~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~·~~·~·~·~·~·~ # now put your code below ``` #### Adding custom code After it, you can create all your code using args defined earlier. Example: ```bash # code for -m/--math arg if [ -n "$expression" ] ; then echo $(($expression)) fi # test notification function on lib/system if [ -n "$title" ]; then xsys.notify "$title" "$text" fi # test volume function on lib/system if [ -n "$option" ]; then xsys.vol "--$option" xsys.notify Volume "$option" # - $(xsys.vol "--status")" fi ``` #### libsExample output The code above will generate this output ``` # check help libsExapmle -h usage: libsExapmle [-p] [-n <text>] [-m <expression>] [-V <option>] [-h] [-v] -> Information Options: -p, --print print some code -n, --notify <title> <text> test notify system -m, --math <expression> solve math expression -V, --volume <option> volume option (up or down) -h, --help show this help -v, --version print version and exit v0.0.6-rc81 - writen by @fbnmtz 2023 # using --math option libsExapmle --math "2*2" 4 ``` </details> </br> [Go Back](#index) <!-- ### Note about lib/args: 1. using `xarg` function, two options are automatically generated (`--help `and `--version`): 1. --help `create a usage information based on defined parameters with function 'xarg'` 2. --version `show de version defined by variable ${_CURRENT_VERSION_`} 2. some values come from the header information. If you don't use the same header, please define this variables before call `xrun` function: ```bash _AUTHOR_="YourNme" _CREATED_AT_="year" _CURRENT_VERSION_="X.X.X" ``` [Go Back](#index) --> --- ## Libraries #### init ``` Basic library to initialize our framework/system. ``` <details close="true"> * Variables * `$APP` * Store current script name * `$APP_DIR` * Store current script path * `$APP_HOME` * Default location to script save configs and related files * Functions * `xsetHome {dir1, dir2}` * Create `$APP_HOME` directory. Default localtion is `$HOME/.xshell/$APP` * `use lib1 lib2 lib3` * function to easily load libraries into your script * `xrequirements binary1 binary2` * function to check if a binary exists on your system. Pass program names separeted by spaces. Throw an error and exit if not found. * you can test conditional binarys using this syntax: `xrequirements "bin1|bin2"` (that means bin1 or bin2) </details> </br> #### args ``` This library is used to manage/generate/validate the command line arguments of a script. ``` <details close="true"> Functions * `xarg` * used to define arguments: ``` # params supported: * --id <shortflat,longflag> * should be used with '--var' or '--code' 1. --var <var1:varvalue,var2+r,+o> 1.1. `var:value`: this arg will set a var `var=value` 1.2. `var+r`: (+r=required) this arg will require a new arg and i (can't be null) 1.3. `var+o`: (+o=optional) this arg accepts another argument (but can be null) 2. --code <shell commands=""> 2.1. this arg will run arg received with `eval` function * --desc <description> * define description for this argument (will be used in help/usage information) # Examples of usage of 'xarg' function: xarg --id "-h,--help" --code "xusage --help" --desc "show this help" xarg --id "-v,--version" --code "echo "$_CURRENT_VERSION_"; exit" --desc "print version and exit" ``` * `xrun` * validates arguments ``` # params to define validations: * --xrequire-one * --xreject-unknow # set version format to use release candidate version: * --xversionrc # help / information * --xdebug * --xhelp ``` * `xhelp` * set help information to the script. Mostly used internally but you can use it to set header and footer information. ``` # usable argumnets * --header=<value> * --footer=<value> ``` * `xusage` * `xflag_require_value` * `xrequire_one` </details> </br> #### system ``` Library to by an interface between your scritp and Operation System, providin some basic functions. ``` #### colors ``` This library set variables with ANSI codes allowing you to use colors on your script. ``` <details close="true"> * Variables ```bash # reset ansi escaping $RESET # styles $BOLD $DIM $UNDERLINED $BLINK $REVERSE $HIDDEN # foreground colors $BLACK $RED $GREEN $YELLOW $BLUE $MAGENTA $CYAN $WHITE # background colors $BGBLACK $BGRED $BGGREEN $BGYELLOW $BGBLUE $BGMAGENTA $BGCYAN $BGWHITE ``` </details> </br> #### utils ``` A collection of auxiliary functions. ``` <details close="true"> Functions * getPath * return full path of a first binary of all received via arguments ```bash # usage getPath nano vim micro emacs ``` * basePath * return base path of a file ```bash # return /etc basepath /etc/passwd ``` * tern * ternary command ```bash tern "expr" "true value" "false value" ``` * isROOT? * check if current user is root * requireROOT * require root to continue script (non root users? exit) <!-- * dots ``` ``` --> </details> </br> [Go Back](#index) --- ## TODO List * [X] xshell: add support for define args for new scripts * [X] Implent color system (draft) * [X] lib/args: Implements joint flags (ex: -lsaf) * [ ] Create/integrate some library or system for Objetc Orientation (OO) * [ ] Adjust some libs and scripts to work on MacOs [Go Back](#index) --- Contributions are welcome! <3 Made with ❤️ and shellscript. </value></value></description></shell></details></option></expression></text>